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FDI in manufacturing increases by 76% due to PLI Schemes

PLI Schemes contribute to increase in production, employment generation, and economic growth. Rajesh Kumar Singh, Secretary, DPIIT made announcement on the significant achievements due to PLI in India.Read more

Why India is the next big thing in manufacturing

With record exports last year and consistent high GDP growth, India has emerged as a leading investment option for international investors offering a big domestic market with potential to become a major global manufacturing hub. Clearly, India is a market to be in – currently and in the future, says Rakesh Rao.Read more

IPF presents 3i EXPO and Factories of the Future conference

With India gearing up to be the production hub of the world, the country will have to opt for advanced manufacturing technologies to increase its competitiveness. To make manufacturers future-ready, Industrial Products Finder (IPF) will host 3i EXPO and "Factories of the Future” conference to bring all the key stakeholders of the industry under one roof and initiate the dialogues on the advancements in manufacturing.Read more

Roadmap for India’s transition to EVs

While there are many advantages for India to shift to electromobility, the transition is filled with challenges. In this article, Tia Bhatnagar shares in detail the challenges in EV adoption and also provides possible solutions for Indian EV transition.Read more

The way forward for Indian chemical industry

It is believed that the 2020s mark the beginning of an Indian decade in the chemical sector, especially in speciality chemicals. Sharing his “Vision 2025”, Mihir V Shah writes, India is today on the cusp of a multi-decadal opportunity to emerge as a global hub for chemical manufacturing.Read more

Let’s seize the emerging growth opportunities

With the pandemic phasing out, the manufacturing sector's forecast appears to be on track. The Indian manufacturing sector has the potential to be a significant global participant, but it will need to overcome several obstacles and seize fresh chances, says Hiren Pravin Shah, while sharing his “Vision 2025” for India’s manufacturing sectorRead more

Shift to green energy is a huge engineering opportunity for India

In this interview with Rakesh Rao, Ravichandran Purushothaman, President, Danfoss India, elaborates on how Danfoss is supporting India's growth engine with its energy-efficient systems and solutions.Read more

PLI schemes: Making India a global manufacturing hub?

The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes have come at an opportune time when investors are been looking to diversify their manufacturing operations across the globe as part of their China Plus One strategy. The scheme is a testament to the vision of the Government for providing long-term industrial support, writes Bhavesh Thakkar.Read more

At ELECRAMA 2023, APAR will highlight its focus on sustainability

In this conversation with Rakesh Rao, Shashi Amin, CEO, Cables Solutions, APAR Industries Ltd, elaborates on demand trends in the industry and steps taken by the company to propel the cause of sustainabilityRead more

Budget 2023: The manufacturing fine print

Global commodity supply continued to be disrupted due to intensified Russia-Ukraine war and re-emergence of Covid-19 in China. Read more

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